Synovial Cyst

A ganglion (tissue mass) of the adjacent joint, caused by leakage of fluid from the joint into the surrounding tissue

Sympathetic Nerves

Part of the autonomic nervous system and located on the front surface of the spinal column.

Suboccipital Nerve

The first spinal nerve, exits the spinal cord between the skull and the first cervical vertebra.


Relating to the nerves that stimulate the sweat glands to activity


An injury to a muscle or tendon in which the muscle fibers tear as a result of overstretching

Stellate Ganglion

A sympathetic ganglion formed by the fusion of the inferior cervical ganglion and the first thoracic ganglion


An injury to ligaments that is caused by being stretched beyond their normal capacity

Sports Injuries

Injuries that occur to athletes participating in sporting events. In many cases, these types of injuries are due to overuse of a part of the body when participating in a certain activity


A condition related to degeneration of bone that ultimately results in narrowing.


Defect in the connection between vertebrae that can lead to small stress fractures (breaks) in the vertebrae

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