C.M. Schade MD, PhD – CRPS (RSD) & Back Pain Treatment Center
C.M. Schade, MD, PhD has been delivering high quality health care services in the Dallas area for more than four decades. The Advanced Pain Solutions Clinic is located in Mesquite, Texas.
Dr. Schade started his private practice in the Dallas metroplex in 1981 and remains today a leader in Pain Medicine. He is the past president of the Texas Pain Society, currently serves as Director Emeritus of the Texas Pain Society and is the Texas Pain Society delegate to the Texas Medical Association.
Dr. Schade treats patients with Chronic Pain as a result of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) (also known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)) and back injuries.
Dr. Schade is an advocate for patients’ rights and assists patients in regaining their ability to improve their quality of life.

C.M. Schade, MD, PhD
What is a Pain Doctor?
Texas Pain Foundation is proud to present the video debut of “What Is A Pain Doctor?”. This video project was developed and guided by the Foundation’s late chairman, Dr. James Heavner.
Dr. Heavner believed that this project would help the public as well as patients and other medical professionals better understand the complexity and training required to be a pain management physician in Texas. This a is free educational public video that is available to the public to view.
- To improve the likelihood that the patient will return to a more functional and productive lifestyle.
- To provide organized, efficient and effective rehabilitation of the patient.
- To provide education and training to prevent re-injury and/or exacerbation of pain.
- To promote success in dealing with the biopsychosocial issues related to chronic pain while providing encouragement and support for the necessary adjustments that often accompany a disabling situation.
- To assist in identifying important personal, social, occupational, recreational, health and financial goals and developing strategies and plans for their achievement.
- To improve pain control and enhance coping skills to deal with ongoing pain.
- Communication – We listen to the patient
- Honesty
- Integrity
- Dedication to quality care
- Problem focused care
- Personalized care
- Multiple treatment options