SMP (Sympathetically Maintained Pain)

Sympathetically Maintained Pain is a subset of CRPS in which there is analgesia to SNBs. CRPS patients may also display sympathetically-independent pain. If a SNB provides good analgesia to a specific patient, then a short series of empiric blocks in conjunction with active reactivation-focused therapy is advocated based on consensus recommendations. Complications for interventions [...]

Functional Restoration Algorithm

Immobilization is a possible cause and/or perpetuating factor in the syndrome; therefore, normalized movement is essential in treating central changes linked with the syndrome because kinesiophobia appears to be a dynamic clinical factor in CRPS. Occupational therapists are one of several therapeutic leaders in the functional restoration process because they are knowledgeable of the [...]

A Convergent Pathophysiologic Theory

Harden, R. N. & Bruehl, S.P. The ability to identify and target psychological and sociologic diagnoses is crucial for clinical success.  CRPS pathophysiology could be influenced by the patient’s psychological factors such as life stress and dysphoric emotional states (e.g., anxiety, anger, depression) through increased catecholaminergic activity indicating the possible impact stress and emotional [...]

Sequential Stages of CRPS

Stage I Pain/sensory abnormalities, vasomotor and sudomotor dysfunction, and prominent edema. Stage II (Dystrophic Stage) Occurs 3-6 months after onset. More marked pain/sensory dysfunction, vasomotor dysfunction, and development of significant motor/trophic changes. Stage III (Atrophic Stage) Decreased pain/sensory disturbance, vasomotor disturbance, and markedly increased motor/trophic changes. CRPS may take two forms in sequential order. [...]

CRPS (RSD) Explained

Subtypes of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) CRPS I (old name: reflex sympathetic dystrophy) CRPS II (old name: causalgia): defined earlier with electrodiagnostic or other definitive evidence or a major nerve lesion. CRPS-NOS (not otherwise specified): partially meets CRPS criteria; not better explained by any other condition. Clinical diagnostic criteria for complex regional pain [...]

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